Bathroom conversions are a very popular part of bathroom remodeling. Any good bathroom remodeling company can complete both a tub-to-shower bathroom remodel and a shower-to-tub bathroom remodel. Luxury Bath of Tampa Bay offers high-end bathroom remodels at a reasonable price point. We also put together a list of how bathroom conversions normally happen. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to our team members.
Calling a Local Bathroom Remodeling Company
Picking the perfect bathroom company is a big deal when you are going to invest in a bathroom remodel. You will want to call a company with excellent awards that show a long-term production of great products. You will also want to look for a company that can give you a warranty with your products. Getting an amazing brand like Luxury Bath is also a great perk. When you find the right bathroom company for you simply call the number provided or fill out the online form.
Bathroom Conversion Consultation
After you pick the perfect bathroom remodeling company you will be able to set up an in-home or showroom consultation. Both types of consultations have their own perks and can be beneficial. Seeing all of the products in person will show you size and depth, while seeing color options and patterns next to your own bathroom walls and lighting offers great perfection of the finished product. This is also a great time to pick accessible options like walk-in-shower and roll-in-showers for your next bathroom conversion.
Estimates for Bathroom Conversions
Once you pick out the best selection of styles and designs for your bathroom conversion, a full-service estimate should then be given to you. This should have a designated price for your whole project from start to finish. Estimates are also a great time for you to discuss time frames with your potential bathroom remodeling company.
Excellent Measuring
Your next step will be getting measurements completed from a certified bathroom remodeler. These measurements are very important and will help with both the creation and installation of your product. Make sure to have your bathroom area cleaned up and accessible for this step of the process.
Custom Creation of Conversion Product
At Luxury Bath every item is created to fit perfectly into your home. At this point your item will also be put together with all of your design options and your personal shower-to-tub or tub-to-shower conversion will be complete. You will love your product’s acrylic finishes and if you choose Luxury Bath of Tampa you will get to select one of twelve stylish finishing colors.
Simple and Quick Bathroom Installations
The best part about bathroom conversions is the one-day installation option! Luxury Bath of Tampa can install your new bathroom product in a short amount of time. Call us today for a free estimate or fill out the online form!
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